Page name: It's Angel!!! [Logged in view] [RSS]
2015-10-09 15:31:54
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[IT'S ANGEL!!!] :)

This is the base for the peoples who LOVE Angel / [One More Worthless Fallen Angel]!!!
Wiki page created by [Vaughne]
This page can be freely edited!

see in this pic you can see how big my nose really is >_< *pukes*
(By.[The Incredible Bulk]

Wanna know what Angel's wings look like? Sorta like this::

[Hello people, Angel talking. Feels GOOD to be loved! Haha... erm... yeah... heh.... OVER AND OUT!]

.......TO FIND A SPECIAL PERSON, .......
.........A DAY TO LOVE THEM, ........
..........AN ENTIRE LIFE TIME.........
..............TO 4GET THEM.............
.............U'LL NEVER 4GET..............
.........ITS A SHORT COMMENT..........
...........TO LET THEM KNOW.............
.......IT MEAN UR'RE IN A HURRY.......
..........AND THAT U 4GOTTEN.........
...............UR FRIENDZ

[emzy]-ur my cuz!- duh!!!
[;;Melodrama Junkie] Jump the list? I WOULD NEVER! Aw love ^^ You need like 500million wiki pages xD
[phoenixborn]. Angel I loves you! You rocks my non-existent toe-socks! And if I were even remotely gay I would marry you in a second. Or at least settle for casual sex. And yes, I did jump to the top of the list. What's your point? :P
[Vaughne] Angel you are my best buddy and I love you forever!!!!!!! thanks for just being there and for being the coolest, nicest guy ever! you know im always here for you <3
[Empty~Soul] yay!!
[madness] yay! i didnt know this page existed! angel protected me!!! yay!
[Glover.] your hair sucks worse than mine and thats saying something...
[nevan] :D You Rock!
[Necrobioticrash] SHITCUNT... Yeah thats right.
[no name ear] because you are one of my only friends on here haha... and i guess we are related 0_o
[(*|_Buster_|*)] He's a rapist. I saw 'im!
[Spoonmad] W00t, friends in killing!!
[i love david tennant FULL STOP] well im not really sure why i joined, well to explain myself i will write you an essay. well basically, cool as this thing is i didnt really know what i was doing at the time and i never realised that you could do this. when i signed up i had no idea what elfpack was, obviously now i do but im still a bit confused. you could say i joined this page/club/thing for advice?!?! well i dont know what the hell im supposed to say do i ? i am just stunned into a state of shock and i am writing whatever comes into my head. well, nice as this is i think i will stop now or you may kill me.... bye bye xxx no actually i think i will make it just a bit longer, its amazing, you see sometimes my imaginationm takes over and well i may never stop, ever...ever!!!!!! ok ok now i see your going red with anger so ( in my imagination obviously cos i cant actually see you,that would be amazing if i could but i cant im afraid. or so im told by the little man in my brain) ok good bye... actually no, i think i want to write just a little more. just to annoy you hehe soooo what a beautiful day it is today. a little snow on the ground, the sun in the sky and my fingers are really cold!!! so cold it hurts!!! 
[The Hidden Flame] Hi 'Angel' mind if I stick to Will lol! I can't believe people actually like this loser let alone love!!! Lol j/k mate see you. Fire, Fire!!! XD
[shinobi14] Hey, who doesnt love Angel? He is a good person, no matter how strange a person he is, a good person none the less ^___^. Hmmmm... He was there for me when i was upset. THAT counted. I value that a lot. And im totally liking the fact that he doesnt specify what gender he is in his house, too. Very cool. ^___^ You rock, Angel. XD
[Echoes in the moonlight] Heya Will!! ^__^ I think I'll do the same as Chris and stick to Will rather than 'Angel' ^__^ Hey great night the other night should do it more often, and maybe you should get your lazy ass into Science more often, stop abandoning me! It's fun fun fun, honest! ^__^
[The Incredible Bulk] no roooom...erm *tackle hugs everyone here*
[Miss.PYRO™] YOU PROPER ROCK. even if you complain abaout being thin ¬_¬. but you are still UBER COOL and definitely deserve this wiki. *hugs for angel*
[Luna Armonial] Ish my cool random friend Angel *clings & whispers* Ish mine !!!
[Supernova.] MY ANGEL *pockets Angel* miiiiine *pats pocket*
[Asator Stormbringer] Will.., this is my last promise to you, here, so everyone can see it.., I'll make you proud one last time bro, I'm gonna let everyone know what a great guy you where and still are, and I'll let you know, and everyone else, that every person on this page loves you, with every possible fiber of their being.., I know they do cuz you are an angel.
love you bro.
[Twisted Purgatory] Will you're a loser. And a twat. And many other things. And you're not as good as me. Oh and my play dough figures were better than yours in year 3. You know it's true. If you argue I shall eat you. No lie. Well other than that you're an okay guy (maybe...). Well okay you're one of the best mates I have and I love you. Happy now? You'd better be, you know how much it burns to say something nice.
[Maverick.] hey will you're a loser but i love you XD

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2007-09-09 [Luna Armonial]: *pulls my self up jumpping to a higher branch then hangs upside down* Careful now you might get a splinter...

2007-09-09 [Necrobioticrash]: *films*

2007-09-09 [Luna Armonial]: *laughs, watches Eva film for a moment then closes my eyes again*

2007-09-09 [The Incredible Bulk]: ..*blocks earas adn throws a shoe at josh*

2007-09-09 [Luna Armonial]: *laughs, shakes head keeping my eyes closed as i grip my legs tightly around the tree branch*

2007-09-09 [Necrobioticrash]: *is still filming*

2007-09-09 [Luna Armonial]: *opens my eyes & looks over at Alice* Talk about rocking the cradle...*flips out of the tree & walks over sitting next to you*

2007-09-09 [The Incredible Bulk]: ..tell me about it..

2007-09-09 [Luna Armonial]: *laughs softly* At least you weren't in the tree he was humping...

2007-09-09 [The Incredible Bulk]: ..goood point,..

2007-09-09 [Necrobioticrash]: *films the convosation*

2007-09-09 [Lonely Shadow]: -goes back to humping the tree-

2007-09-09 [The Incredible Bulk]: RUN.!!..*slowmotion baywahtch run*

2007-09-09 [Lonely Shadow]: -falls over laughing-

2007-09-09 [Necrobioticrash]: Oh yes finally some action *cough* no not that action ;) *films*

2007-09-09 [Lonely Shadow]: -whistles to himself-

2007-09-09 [The Incredible Bulk]: .*bursts into high speed*...erm..yeah

2007-09-09 [Lonely Shadow]: -does a zoom of Alyse's butt-

2007-09-09 [Luna Armonial]: *stays sitting for a moment then disappears off the wiki*

2007-09-09 [The Incredible Bulk]: ..*sits down abruptly*..BAD JOSH!

2007-09-09 [Lonely Shadow]: -falls over laughing-

2007-09-09 [Luna Armonial]: *reappears for a moment & looks around then brings my knees up to my chest*

2007-09-09 [Lonely Shadow]: -does a zoom on Luna's butt, then hides the camera-

2007-09-09 [The Incredible Bulk]: *clisk knucckles and flciks joshes lower lip*

2007-09-09 [Lonely Shadow]: -looks at alyse- tis a bad idea to make a sugar highed kid horny girl

2007-09-09 [The Incredible Bulk]:

2007-09-09 [Lonely Shadow]: bad images of Will and I lol

2007-09-09 [The Incredible Bulk]: ..*runs*

2007-09-09 [Necrobioticrash]: *laughs*

2007-09-09 [Luna Armonial]: *shakes head, grabs a can of whip cream spraying it at Josh* No zooming on my butt thank you...*sticks out tongue & laughs & the whip cream bikini on Josh* Now that is funny...

2007-09-09 [Lonely Shadow]: -licks off the whip cream and focuses even more on luna's butt-

2007-09-10 [Luna Armonial]: *sticks out tongue* I know you like it but you ain't touching it...*bares fangs & growls playfully*

2007-09-10 [Lonely Shadow]: -falls over laughing and pounces luna- hey I can't help if I see a good butt just like lyon, can't just go without noticing

2007-09-10 [Luna Armonial]: *looks at you & laughs* Thanks for the compliment...But please no more close up's on my butt & if Lyon paid you to do so then grr...*gurmbles & taps foot slightly*

2007-09-10 [Lonely Shadow]: lol he didn't pay me to do it

2007-09-10 [The Incredible Bulk]: i did ^^...i mean erm..*coughs and looks shifty*,id din't say ..aaaanything at all

2007-09-10 [Lonely Shadow]: -falls over laughing-

2007-09-10 [Luna Armonial]: *looks at Josh then back over at Alice & pounces* Now why would you pay him to zoom in on my butt ?

2007-09-10 [The Incredible Bulk]: seemed a good idea at the time ^^...

2007-09-10 [Luna Armonial]: *pokes at your collar bone* Don't stare at the film to long you might like it...*stands up & walks to a distant tree sitting down, laughing*

2007-09-10 [The Incredible Bulk]: i bet i most proably would..*luaghs and winks*

2007-09-10 [Luna Armonial]: *leans back against the tree & smiles* Glad to know but if your trying to scare me i'm not a homophob...*laughs & grins evilly*

2007-09-10 [The Incredible Bulk]: nah,i'm not trying to scare you..^_^,jsut trying to be remotly humerouse

2007-09-10 [Lonely Shadow]: -does a close up on Alyse's butt-

2007-09-10 [The Incredible Bulk]: *throws an apple at josh*

2007-09-10 [Lonely Shadow]: -catches the apple and does another zoom towards her butt-

2007-09-10 [The Incredible Bulk]: *sits on the floor*

2007-09-10 [Lonely Shadow]: -sighs and watches the movie-

2007-09-10 [Luna Armonial]: *laughs, sits down on the floor* No more zooms of booties Josh...

2007-09-10 [The Incredible Bulk]: ..nice

2007-09-10 [Luna Armonial]: *yawns, leans back against a tree*

2007-09-10 [The Incredible Bulk]: todles..*runs off*

2007-09-10 [Luna Armonial]: *waves to Alice*

2007-09-10 [The Incredible Bulk]: *walks back and huddles up tight and loks at the floor and clsoes my eyes*

2007-09-10 [Necrobioticrash]: Wow alice your keyboard really does suck ><

2007-09-10 [The Incredible Bulk]: you know it >_<

2007-09-10 [Luna Armonial]: *looks up from darkness but says nothing*

2007-09-10 [The Incredible Bulk]: *walks voer and sits near luna*

2007-09-10 [Luna Armonial]: *smiles slightly then leans back against a tree trunk*

2007-09-10 [The Incredible Bulk]: morning deary ^^

2007-09-10 [Luna Armonial]: It's afternoon here & i'm only here till about 3:30pm...

2007-09-10 [The Incredible Bulk]: i knw,i was just saying my greeting ^^ going son anyway,unfortunatrley

2007-09-10 [Lonely Shadow]: -films lyon's butt for a bit-

2007-09-10 [Luna Armonial]: *pounces Josh, steals the camera* Mine no can have it !!! *sticks out tongue*

2007-09-10 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *smacks josh and breaks his camera*

2007-09-10 [Luna Armonial]: *hides tape, smiles innocently*

2007-09-10 [Lonely Shadow]: -tackles luna and ties her up and zooms in on lyon's butt- don't mess with my camera girl

2007-09-10 [The Incredible Bulk]: *laughs and bites my lip ahrd*..ooh soo fun,well bye..*walks out laughing*

2007-09-10 [Luna Armonial]: *bites at the rope* Not cool ish my butt...*whimpers*

2007-09-10 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *breajs the camera and the tape* yup, its luna's!

2007-09-10 [Luna Armonial]: *continues biting at the rope mumbling something* A little help here somebody ?

2007-09-10 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *walks over to luna and snaps my teeth shut, pulling the rope until it breaks* you are not love....

2007-09-11 [Lonely Shadow]: -pulls out an extra and laughs- plz lol :P

2007-09-11 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *flicks my wings back, slicing through the camera*

2007-09-11 [Lonely Shadow]: -sighs and pulls out another- might as well stop ^_^ -goes off to film all of Will-

2007-09-11 [Supernova.]: *snickers* Hi there xD

2007-09-11 [Luna Armonial]: *looks at Lyon* I'm not what ?

2007-09-11 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *nuzzles you* i heard what you mumbled...

2007-09-11 [Luna Armonial]: *whistles innocently* What did i mumble ?

2007-09-11 [Lonely Shadow]: please keep it rated clean children lol

2007-09-11 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *backhands josh while looking at luna* your not an animal...

2007-09-11 [One More Worthless Fallen Angel]: Hey don't get me involved in the whole film thing!

2007-09-11 [Luna Armonial]: *looks at everyone then walks off the wiki with tears in my eyes, not wanting to talk to anyone*

2007-09-11 [Lonely Shadow]: but but it'd be fun -pouts to Will-

2007-09-11 [Luna Armonial]: *hugs my knees & hides my face*

2007-09-11 [Lonely Shadow]: -lifts Luna's chin- hey no hiding that face

2007-09-11 [Luna Armonial]: *wipes the tears from my eyes & stands up running off*

2007-09-11 [Lonely Shadow]: -sighs-

2007-09-12 [Necrobioticrash]: Holy necroprostitute! is the filming still going on?

2007-09-12 [Luna Armonial]: *shrugs*

2007-09-12 [Lonely Shadow]: -looks at his camera and throws it to Dei- knock yourself out

2007-09-13 [Luna Armonial]: *holds my head slightly & closes my eyes*

2007-09-13 [Lonely Shadow]: -whispers into your ear- lunar frenzy -then pounces you-

2007-09-13 [Luna Armonial]: *shakes my head & stands up walking off with watery eyes*

2007-09-13 [Lonely Shadow]: -hugs you tight and sighs-

2007-09-13 [One More Worthless Fallen Angel]: NO DON'T GIVE IT TO HER ARE YOU MAD?!?!? *knocks it out of Eva's hands and destroys it* No filming for you.

2007-09-13 [The Incredible Bulk]: ..*gives eva another camera and smiles evily*

2007-09-13 [Luna Armonial]: *sits in a distant tree & stays quiet*

2007-09-13 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *takes the camera and stares at eva and alice* dearies, be nice....

2007-09-13 [Lonely Shadow]: -poucnes lyon and smiles- let em have fun bro, couldn't hurt any

2007-09-13 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *holds josh up with one arm* given the circumstances....

2007-09-13 [Lonely Shadow]: -acts like a monkey-

2007-09-13 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *puts the screaming monkey down*

2007-09-13 [The Incredible Bulk]: *films eva*

2007-09-13 [Lonely Shadow]: -bounces around and climbs up his tree, then throws a banana at someone random-

2007-09-13 [Empty~Soul]: -shakes head- and i thought i had problems

2007-09-13 [One More Worthless Fallen Angel]: Oh SHE *points at Eva* can hurt!!!!!!

2007-09-13 [The Incredible Bulk]: ..pfft..will a lot stronger than eva

2007-09-13 [One More Worthless Fallen Angel]: *backs away* BUT you're not perverted beyond words.

2007-09-13 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *holds up concrete brick, broken in two* behold the brick!

2007-09-13 [The Incredible Bulk]: ...oh but i can be..i can beat eva at mean sick minded at times

2007-09-13 [One More Worthless Fallen Angel]: *gasps, bows to the brick* HAIL!!!!!!!

2007-09-13 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *grins* it was fun breaking it

2007-09-13 [One More Worthless Fallen Angel]: *bows*

2007-09-13 [The Incredible Bulk]: ..*prods the brick..and prds lyon with a fishign rod*..wish i could do that

2007-09-13 [One More Worthless Fallen Angel]: *laughs* Do what?!

2007-09-13 [The Incredible Bulk]: ..MEN!!..break the brick..^___^".

2007-09-13 [One More Worthless Fallen Angel]: Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure ;)

2007-09-13 [The Incredible Bulk]: ....*sits on you*...eva made me and bry whatch hentia..

2007-09-13 [One More Worthless Fallen Angel]: Haha !!!!!!! Erm.. I don't watch it 0_o

2007-09-13 [The Incredible Bulk]: mmhmmm..*looks at you*...hehe it was funny case you want to whatch's called 'la blue girl returns'

2007-09-13 [One More Worthless Fallen Angel]: Seen it

2007-09-13 [The Incredible Bulk]: you dont whatch hentia at does it turn men on?!?!?!

2007-09-13 [One More Worthless Fallen Angel]: It doesn't

2007-09-13 [The Incredible Bulk]: goood!!..i got scared when it hought it might turn them on..

2007-09-13 [One More Worthless Fallen Angel]: Nah it's not realistic enough to turn normal people on, I mean c'mon girls just DON'T squirt....

2007-09-13 [The Incredible Bulk]: they don't..>_<,hehe ^^..i mean..

2007-09-13 [One More Worthless Fallen Angel]: I say!!!!!!

2007-09-13 [Lonely Shadow]: -sighs-

2007-09-13 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: ummm....i saw this movie once where the girl did fact its called the littlist squirt (the chicks a midget...)

2007-09-13 [Lonely Shadow]: .< the images that I "dont" want

2007-09-14 [Luna Armonial]: *looks down at everyone from a distant tree* Not even going to ask...

2007-09-14 [Lonely Shadow]: -shrugs and joins luna where it's safe-

2007-09-14 [Luna Armonial]: *smiles* Hello Josh & how are you ?

2007-09-14 [One More Worthless Fallen Angel]: Well in my experience they don't anyway.... don't tell me hentia turns you on, Lyon. It's just weird.

2007-09-14 [Lonely Shadow]: I'm fine luna, just avoiding the perved conversation their having...

2007-09-14 [Lonely Shadow]: -throws an acron at Will- watch that sweetie, I've helped write some of that before

2007-09-14 [Luna Armonial]: *laughs* Well i would hop hentia wouldn't turn any guy on but what do i know...*jumps down from the tree & goes for a walk*

2007-09-14 [Empty~Soul]: hentia is creepy

2007-09-14 [Luna Armonial]: *nods agreeingly with Kiki*

2007-09-14 [Vaughne]: *nods* I am scarred because of my 'loving' sister making us watch it

2007-09-14 [Luna Armonial]: O.o Scary...

2007-09-14 [Empty~Soul]: why

2007-09-14 [Vaughne]: I know *shivers*

2007-09-14 [Luna Armonial]: Cause what's so exciting about a porno cartoon ???

2007-09-14 [Vaughne]: I have no idea... she is just sick enough to want to watch it 0_0

2007-09-14 [Luna Armonial]: *falls over laughing* Boredom...But i guess it happens besides she can't be that scary now can she ?

2007-09-14 [Vaughne]: Oh she can ^-^

2007-09-14 [Luna Armonial]: *shrugs* She can try to scare me but i don't think it'll work...

2007-09-14 [Vaughne]: Lol she scares many ... ^-^

2007-09-14 [Luna Armonial]: She can try to scare me if she likes but i highly doubt she can...

2007-09-14 [Empty~Soul]: *laughs*

2007-09-14 [Luna Armonial]: *smiles & leans back against a nearby tree*

2007-09-14 [One More Worthless Fallen Angel]: So many people...

2007-09-14 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: *Tear* I got moved to third..Cause..Kyra and Someone else jumped teh queue XD

2007-09-14 [One More Worthless Fallen Angel]: *smiles weakly* No worries... but that's not what I was thinking about

2007-09-14 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: I have no clue what you were thinking nor am I gonna guess. But. I was jus stating..P=

2007-09-14 [One More Worthless Fallen Angel]: No worries Lexi ^_^

2007-09-14 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: ^^ I guess..

2007-09-14 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: Soo. How are you doing?

2007-09-14 [Lonely Shadow]: he over thinks sometimes

2007-09-14 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: Who?

2007-09-14 [Lonely Shadow]: Will does...

2007-09-14 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: Oh..okay

2007-09-15 [Luna Armonial]: *sits in darkness*

2007-09-16 [Vaughne]: Haha I agree Josh ^-^

2007-09-16 [Lonely Shadow]: -bangs his club on the ground- so ordered

2007-09-16 [Luna Armonial]: *laughs, shakes my head*

2007-09-16 [Lonely Shadow]: -grunts and stares at luna-

2007-09-16 [Luna Armonial]: *looks up* What ?

2007-09-16 [Lonely Shadow]: -waves and smiles- ello

2007-09-16 [Luna Armonial]: Hello Josh...

2007-09-16 [Lonely Shadow]: -hugs and smiles-

2007-09-16 [Luna Armonial]: *hugs back then falls over & passes out*

2007-09-16 [Lyon Armonial the healer]: *carries luna back to my den silently*

2007-09-16 [Lonely Shadow]: -sits on my knees and stares at the water- rather neat thing how it is never the same thing but yet never changes from it's original self

2007-09-17 [Luna Armonial]: *shakes head, walks in* Hello...

2007-09-17 [Lonely Shadow]: -looks up- ello -goes back to staring at the water-

2007-09-17 [The Incredible Bulk]: ..*sits on joshy shoulders and leans forward*

2007-09-17 [Necrobioticrash]: *films*

2007-09-17 [The Incredible Bulk]: ..*force feeds eva chocolate*

2007-09-17 [Luna Armonial]: *leans back against a nearby tree trunk*

2007-09-18 [Necrobioticrash]: *Hits alice and runs away like a retard*

2007-09-20 [Vaughne]: HAHAHAHA MY SISTER IS A RETARDED FISH!!!!!!!!!!!

2007-09-20 [Luna Armonial]: *yawns, stares off sleepily*

2007-09-20 [Vaughne]: Hey Luna

2007-09-20 [Luna Armonial]: Hey Bryony...

2007-09-20 [One More Worthless Fallen Angel]: Hey all

2007-09-20 [The Incredible Bulk]: *waves and gnaws on teh end of a pencil*

2007-09-20 [Luna Armonial]: *waves, leans back against a tree closing my eyes*

2007-09-20 [One More Worthless Fallen Angel]: *sits down thinking*

2007-09-20 [The Incredible Bulk]: ..*pokes angel with the pencil*

2007-09-20 [One More Worthless Fallen Angel]: *tackles you and sits on you then farts and falls off laughing*

2007-09-20 [The Incredible Bulk]: ..*sufficates and chokes*..meany

2007-09-20 [Luna Armonial]: *stands up & disappears*

2007-09-20 [One More Worthless Fallen Angel]: *laughs*

2007-09-20 [The Incredible Bulk]: ..*sits on you*

2007-09-20 [One More Worthless Fallen Angel]: *pokes you*

2007-09-20 [The Incredible Bulk]: ..*pokes you back*..i still own your left wrist

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